Friday me and my friends all ended up going to my house after school and staying there until the football game started. We had fun watching tv and eating all afternoon and even making the guys watch Degrassi and South of Nowhere. Soon after they left and the girls made their way to the football game where our team kicked ass. After we all had our social sides exhausted we drove to In n Out (which was packed with all the after-game football fans.)

I fell out of my chair

Sonali tried to help me

I'm positive we all look creepy haha

That's attractive

Do I really need to comment? :]

Do I scare you?

We look cool.
The next night (last night) I went back to Sonali's after work.

Which means... more pictures!

And so the conclusion of this blog entry proceeds....
Do I scare you?
yes, yes... you do :O haha
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