Sunday, May 11, 2008

Bored at work,
so decided to give you some light reading:

Three things that scare me:
really really tall people
empty houses

Three people who make me laugh:
My mommy

Three things (not people) I love:
red bull
my bed

Three things (not people) I hate don’t love:
the nails that stick out of carpet
hair all over my clothes

Three things I don’t understand:
wny my dog eats my underwear
why things fall when no one is around
people who like drama

Three things on my desk:
my home desk?
lots of picture frames
college letters
incense cones

Three things I’m doing right now:
writing this
drinking a monster
talking to my love

Three things I want to do before I die:
travel to ireland
scuba dive on the barrier reef
have a gorgeous wedding

Three things I can do:
kick butt in soccer
sleep all day
eat a whole pizza

Three things I can’t do:
drink straight coffee
get rid of my sweet tooth
eat lots of sugar at one time
(the last two pose a problem)

Three things you should listen to:
your heart
your loved ones
your boss (dont get fired)

Three things you should never listen to:
people who put you down to make themselves feel better
those who have yet to mature

Three things I’d like to learn:
how to go without sleep (there aren't enough hours in the day)
how to drive a stick shift
how to get rid of ants without killing them

Three favorite foods:
pepperoni pizza
macaroni and cheese
apples with peanut butter

Three beverages I drink regularly:
diet coke
red bull

Three TV shows I watched as a kid:
hey arnold
courage the cowardly dog
the grim adventures of billy and mandy

Three books I read as a kid:
nancy drew
the city of embers
harry potter


Belita Rose said...

Okay totally need to get Paige to teach how to drive that stick! And we're going to Ireland on Joe's next deployment! K?

The Peacocker said...

Three things that scare me:
really really tall people
empty houses

Hahahah thats funny